Monday, April 18, 2016

A Very Short Interview With An Entrepreneur, Part 2

Revisiting A Friend

With a little over a week to go, its time to begin reflecting on the journey you've traveled in this semester. Before you set out on the path toward developing an entrepreneurial mindset, you spoke with an entrepreneur. Then, you were a novice -- an initiate -- to entrepreneurship. Today, you're something else ... something more. 
For this exercise, I would like you to revisit that first conversation you had with an entrepreneur. In that initial interview, you asked an entrepreneur three questions. Now, revisit this interview and think about the questions you asked and the answers they provided you. From where you stand now, what is your impression of that initial interview?
Second, visit the entrepreneur again. Record the interview if possible. The three questions you ask this time are entirely up to you. Let your experiences in this course drive what questions you ask -- and that will be very different for each of you! 
Third, after the interview, try to gather some sense of how far you have come in this class. In your post, discuss your comfort level in talking about entrepreneurship in this interview now, compared to three months ago. Did the entrepreneur convey a sense that they thought you had progressed in your journey?
Be sure to include the phrase "Very Short Interview, Part 2" in the post title and label the post "Week 14." Please upload the URL to the blog post here, and make the declaration.
Text for declaration:
I have completed the requirements of the exercise "Very Short Interview With Entrepreneur, Part 2."
I have published a blog post for this exercise.
This blog post meets all of the requirements, including:
  • A discussion of my impressions of my initial interview
  • The new interview, with video recording (if possible)
  • My reflection on how far I've come since that first interview.
I have proofread the post, and I have included the phrase "Very Short Interview, Part 2" in the title and labeled it "Week 14."
I have shared the URL to the post to the "Share" exercise in Canvas.

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