Thursday, April 21, 2016

Welcome to the Principles of Entrepreneurship

This site includes exposes everything we try to do in ENT 3003: Principles of Entrepreneurship at the University of Florida. This is the introductory entrepreneurship course for undergraduate students. It is also a very large class -- any given fall and spring semester, there will be about 500 students enrolled, with about 250 students in the summer.

If you've found your way to this site via my chapter in the USASBE annals, welcome. You already have a firm idea of how this class works, and it'll be easy for you to see how the dots connect. If you haven't checked out that chapter, I might encourage you to do that first. A draft of that paper can be found here.

This blog is a work in progress. The table of contents, which is constantly updated, is included directly below.

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