Thursday, April 21, 2016

Table of Contents

What you can find here

Weekly exercise schedule. This is the beating heart of the class. In the weekly schedule, you can click through and find all of the exercises students are required to complete in our class. Each exercise is its own post, and each post includes the instructions and the "declaration" text.

Syllabus. All of the exercises, instructions, and due dates are listed in the LMS we use at UF. So I don't feel the need to put together a very detailed printed syllabus. Instead, I use the syllabus to indicate the course and learning objectives as well as to describe the types of exercises students will encounter in the class.

The article that started it all. As a happy coincidence, between the Fall 2015 and Spring 2016 semester, I was asked to write a chapter for the USASBE annals about my teaching approach. Writing this chapter forced me to rethink the way I teach as well as justify (with existing research) some of the methods I had already started using. 

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