Monday, April 18, 2016

Introduce Yourself

In this exercise, you will write a post on your blog introducing yourself to your class. Tell us things like ... where you're from, what your family is like, what your major is, what do you want to do in your life, where have you traveled? In other words, the usual stuff! In addition to the text, I would like for you to practice inserting images into your post. For this exercise, please insert at least one image, which you think best illustrates the story you're telling us.
In your title, please include the phrase "Introduction," and be sure to insert the "Week 2" label on this post.
Please write however much you like! When you are done, please be sure to read over your work (reading out loud usually helps me) to proofread. When you have completed this exercise, please make the declaration below.
Please note. You may not have time to complete this post all at once. That's OK -- just be sure to save your work by clicking the 'Save' button in the top right corner. When you are ready to submit your post, simply click the "Publish" button, and you're ready to go!

Text for declaration:
I have published a blog post introducing myself.
I have proofread my post by reading it out loud, and I have done a spellcheck.
The word "Introduction" appears in the title.
The label "Week 2" was included with the post.
The post contains at least one image which helps me illustrate my story.

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