Monday, April 18, 2016

Interviewing Customers No. 3

Interviewing Customers: Third Time's The Charm!
In this final customer interview exercise, we'll turn our focus from understanding an opportunity to better understanding the fit between the opportunity you identified and your product/service solution to that opportunity. 
On Thursday, Feb. 11, we talked a little more about 'concept testing,' which you can use to obtain feedback on your business idea. The long-and-short of it is to write a short, 1-paragraph description of your business concept on a piece of paper or index card. In your interviews, hand this index card to the interviewee, have them read it, and simply ask "What is your reaction?" In this way, you'll tend to obtain more honest, straight-forward feedback regarding the desire ability of your idea.
Other than that, these interviews will be similar to your previous interviews, in which you were attempting to ascertain the presence of unmet need or dissatisfaction. 
In your blog post, be sure to:
1) Describe your interviewing strategy. What questions do you intend on asking? Who are you going to ask? And so on.
2) Conduct the interviews. As always, 5 interviews, video recorded. 
3) Reflect on what you learned. What did you learn from the interviews? What surprised you the most? What do you expect to change as an outcome of these interviews?
Finally, don't forget to include "Customer Interviews No. 3" in your post title and label it "Week 6." When you have published this post, please make the Declaration. 
Text for declaration:
I have published a blog post describing interviews I conducted with customers about my product/service.
I have completed 5 new customer interviews for this exercise.
I have video recorded the interviews and posted the recordings in the post.
I have described my interview strategy.
I have described what I learned from the interviews.
I have included the phrase "Customer Interviews No. 3" in the post title and labeled it "Week 6."
I have proofread the post before publishing it.

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