Monday, April 18, 2016

Venture Concept No. 1

Putting It All Together

Here we are, with just a few weeks to go. So far, you've developed and presented three elevator pitches. You've also developed and presented two "idea napkins." All along the way, you've obtained peer feedback, and you've interviewed customers, all of which helped adjust your ideas so that you best capture an unmet opportunity.
In this exercise, you'll add even more detail to your concept by writing a description of your Venture Concept. This concept will be a tool that will help you obtain finer-grained feedback as well as refine your own thoughts about your business idea.
The requirements for this written description are here. Please put together a description of your own concept, and share it with others in the class. To provide enough detail, it will be necessary for you to write up to (but no more) than 1,000 words for this post. (The instructions recommend 2-pages, but please ignore that for this exercise and use the 1,000-word limit.) 
In your post, please included the phrase "Venture Concept No. 1" and label it "Week 12." Don't forget to proofread, and be sure to share the post URL here. When you've posted your write-up, please make the declaration.

Text for your declaration:
I have completed all requirements for the exercise, "Venture Concept No. 1."
I have published a blog post for this exercise. 
The blog post contains a written description of my venture concept, and I followed all of the instructions.
I included the phrase "Venture Concept No. 1" in the title and labeled it "Week 12."
I proofread the post.
I uploaded a URL of the post to the "Share" exercise in Canvas. 

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