Monday, April 18, 2016

Current Reading List

In Spring 2016, I used Don Kuratko's book, Entrepreneurship. So the reading list contains chapters from his book as well as articles from Harvard Business Review.

For the summer semester, my intent is to go away from the weekly reading assignments and provide students a broader list of more in-depth readings, from which they may select 2-3 and report on them through the semester.  Here's a link to that new reading list.


ENT 3003: Reading List (Spring 2016)
All Kuratko readings are based on Edition 8. If you have an earlier (or later edition), please just find the corresponding chapter in your own edition.
Week 1/Week 2: Kuratko Ch. 1 (Entrepreneurship: Evolutionary Development – Revolutionary Impact)
Week 3: Kuratko Ch. 2 (The Entrepreneurial Mind-Set in Individuals)
Week 4: Kuratko Ch. 5 (Innovation: The Creative Pursuit of Ideas)
Week 5: Kuratko Ch. 9 (Assessment of Entrepreneurial Opportunities)
Week 6: Michael Porter: The Five Forces that Shape Competitive Strategy (Harvard Business Review, January 2008) (permalink:,uid&db=buh&AN=28000138&site=ehost-live)
Week 7: Yankelovich & Meer: Rediscovering Market Segmentation (Harvard Business Review, February 2006) (permalink:,uid&db=buh&AN=19406199&site=ehost-live)
Week 8: Kuratko Ch. 8 (Sources of Capital for Entrepreneurial Ventures)
Week 9: Kuratko Ch. 10 (Marketing Challenges for Entrepreneurial Ventures)
Week 10: Kuratko Ch. 11 (Financial Preparation for Entrepreneurial Ventures)
Week 11: Gary Pisano: You Need an Innovation Strategy (Harvard Business Review, June 2015) (permalink:,uid&db=buh&AN=102786227&site=ehost-live)
Week 12: Kuratko Ch. 13 (Strategic Entrepreneurial Growth)
Week 13: Kuratko Ch. 14 (Valuation of Entrepreneurial Ventures)
Week 14: Kuratko Ch. 3 & 4 (The Entrepreneurial Mind-Set in Organizations – Corporate Entrepreneurship / Social Entrepreneurship and the Ethical Challenges of Entrepreneurship)
Week 15: Vikram Akula: Business Basics at the Base of the Pyramid (Harvard Business Review, June 2008) (,uid&db=buh&AN=32107923&site=ehost-live)

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