Monday, April 18, 2016

Rank-Ordering the World's Biggest Problems

Last week, you listed the ten biggest problems the world faces today. That exercise was meant to help you practice identifying opportunities -- if you can find really big problems, then you will be better able to find the smaller ones, too. 
In addition to finding opportunities, entrepreneurs also need to be adept at evaluating the potential of each opportunity. In other words, is a problem big enough to support a solution, and is it possible to solve the problem in a way that is implementable, cost effective, and useful to the people with the problem? When entrepreneurs evaluate opportunities and solutions, they're essentially conducting what's called a "feasibility analysis." The purpose of this exercise is to get you thinking about the "feasibility" of the opportunities/solutions you have identified.
In this exercise, you will need to create two separate lists: 
  • First, take your list of problems from last week, pick the top 5 and list them in rank order -- from 'most serious' to 'least serious' (admittedly, even problem No. 5 can still be very big!)
  • Second, take your list of solutions for the top 5 problems, and rank-order the solutions -- and just the solutions! -- in order from 'most-possible to implement' to 'least-possible to implement.'
Once you have created these separate lists, for each list, justify your rank-orders. Why did you select your "top problem" out of the list of five? What leads you to believe that your "top solution" is really the most implementable? 
Finally, with this post, be sure to include at least one image, and proofread. Also, include the phrase "Top 5 World Problems" in this post's title, as well as a "Week 4" label.
Once you have published this post and shared the URL here, make your Declaration.

Text for the declaration:
I have published a blog post that includes a ordered list of the Top 5 problems in the world.
This post also includes an ordered list of the Top 5 solutions to these problems. 
I described my rationale for how I rank-ordered each list. 
The post contains at least one image.
I proofread the post, included the phrase "Top 5 World Problems" in the title and labeled the post "Week 4."

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