Monday, April 18, 2016

World's Biggest Problems

Solving the World's Biggest Problems
Entrepreneurs aren't superheroes -- they just find people's problems and come up with innovative, useful solutions. Now that you've identified 20 of your own problems in the Bug List, let's turn our attention to solving other people's problems. 
Just like everything else in this class, finding problems -- what we call 'opportunity identification' -- is something that we can practice and get better at. Just like playing a sport or playing a musical instrument! For this exercise, we'll practice opportunity identification by finding 'real big' problems that others have. Right now, the world is chock full of problems waiting for solutions -- refugees are fleeing Syria, as terrorism spreads across the region; disease, famine, and hunger kill hundreds of thousands; the homeless population is on the rise; and so on. 
We're starting with big problems for a reason: if you can't find the big problems that other people have, how can you find the smaller, more subtle problems? 
For this exercise, identify 10 of what you believe to be the worlds BIGGEST problems. Describe each problem with some detail (just a few sentences per problem will do fine). With each problem, describe, briefly, what you think a practical, implementable solution could be.  
Important. For this post, be sure to include at least one image. Also, make sure that the phrase "World's Biggest Problems" is in the title and include "Week 3" in the labels. Once you have published this post, don't forget to make your Declaration!

Text for declaration:
I have published a post that includes the ten biggest problems in the world.
Each problem is described in sufficient detail.
I have written a brief description for a solution to each problem.
I have included at least one image in the post. 
I have included the phrase "World's Biggest Problems" in the post title.
I have included "Week 3" in the label. 

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