Monday, April 18, 2016

Going For Google Gold

Winning the Online Popularity Contest

The Google Gold Trophy!
Almost 40 blog posts ago, you started ENT 3003 and created a web log for this class. Since then, you've crafted a blog around a business concept, honing your keyword use, linking to other blogs, and perhaps even using your broader social media network to enhance your blog's exposure.
Showing up in that first page of Google results is make-or-break for many an entrepreneur, especially in this day and age. For this exercise, please reflect back on your efforts to promote your blog. Please include the following:
1) A discussion of your general approach and strategy to search engine optimization (SEO). What were some of the activities you did for each blog post to pursue SEO? 
2) What were your keywords. How did you select those keywords? Did you change or refine your keywords through the semester?
3) How did you use social media to enhance your SEO efforts? What your your surprises or general impression of using social media to improve your blog's profile? Was social media generally receptive of your blog, or did it get ignored?
4) What was your most "viral" post? In other words, which post obtained the most traffic? Why do you think?
5) Finally, did you make it to the first page of Google results for your keywords? If not, what page of results did you make it to?
For this post, please include a picture (for illustration). Don't forget to include the phrase "Google Gold" in the title and label it "Week 14." Share the URL to your blog post here, and make the declaration. 
Text for declaration:
I have completed the requirements for the exercise "Going for Google Gold."
I have published a blog post for this exercise.
I have included all of the elements outlined in the exercise instructions.
I have proofread the post, and I have included the phrase "Google Gold" in the title as well as "Week 14" in the label.
I have shared the URL to this blog post at the "Share" exercise in Canvas.

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