Monday, April 18, 2016

The Amazon Whisperer

The Amazon Whisperer

Please read the following article from Fast Company:

For this experience exercise, you will need to channel the "Amazon Whisperer" hiding inside you!

By this point in the class, you have a good idea of what your business concept is. The question one might ask now is, "What's next?" What's going to be that next new product or service you offer? Or what's going to be the new market you try to capture?
The story of the Amazon Whisperers provide a great example of how a company is able to find new opportunities, and in this exercise, you'll follow their lead to discover your own next 'opportunity.' 
Here's what you need to do: 
  • Describe the revenue drivers you currently include in your business concept for this class. Revenue drivers are the different ways you make money. 
  • Describe what kind of product offering you believe should be next. What's the next thing your customers want?
  • Describe how this "next" thing will enhance your existing product/service offering. Does it improve the user experience, does it increase customer switching costs, does it foster customer loyalty, etc.?
  • Go to Amazon and try to find a product that is similar to the one you want to offer next. Describe the product. Include a picture of the product.
  • What are the customer reviews for the product? What, exactly, do customers not like about the product? What do they like about it?
  • Describe what design/usability changes you'd make to the product. 
  • Describe why you think this product would make a good addition to your current product/service offering.
Now, some of you may have service-based businesses or B2B businesses; for you, finding a consumer product that compliments your existing services or products may be a challenge. If this applies to you, simply complete the exercise, but do not worry about trying to align the new product with your existing business. If you can align the new product with your existing business, so much the better!
Remember, these exercises are all about practice -- the entrepreneurial competencies you are practicing here are creating customer value, creativity, and opportunity assessment.
As always, be sure to proof read your post. Include the phrase "Amazon Whisperer" in the post title and "Week 11" in the label. Upload the URL to this blog post here. And don't forget to make the declaration!
Text for declaration:
I have completed all of the requirements for the exercise "The Amazon Whisperer." 
I have published a blog post that contains all of the following:
  • A description of my current product/service offering.
  • My beliefs regarding what my customers will want next.
  • A description of how that next product would enhance my current product/service offering.
  • A description of a product on Amazon that is very near to the product I want to offer next.
  • A description of what customers do and do not like about that product.
  • A description of what I would do to improve the product.
I have proofread the post.
I have included the phrase "Amazon Whisperer" in the title and "Week 11" in the label.
I have uploaded the blog post URL to the "Share" assignment in Canvas.

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