Monday, April 18, 2016

What's Your Secret Sauce?

Know Thyself

Roman mosaic: Know thyself

This week, we discussed the importance of human capital. These are your experiences, skills, and emotions -- in short, everything about you that makes you you! In this exercise, I want you to try to get to know yourself a bit better. You'll do this by first writing your own assessment of what you think sets you apart from others, second, by getting some outside opinions, and three, by reflecting on the differences in how you see you and how others see you.
There are three part of this exercise:
1) Describe five ways in which you think you have human capital that is truly unique. What is it about you, exactly, that makes you different? Write this up in a detailed list. 
2) Interview the five people who know you the best. Ask them what they think makes you different -- remember, focus on your knowledge, skills, abilities, emotions -- in other words, your human capital. Try to stay away from discussing your other types of capital (such as who you know). Record each interview. In your blog post, please post each interview, as well as a two-three sentence summary of each interview, explaining what your key takeaways are.
3) Reflect on the differences. How do you see yourself, and how do others see you? Are there differences in how you assess yourself compared to others? What do you think causes these differences? Do you think your interviewees are correct about you? Finally, going back to your list from part 1, would you make any corrections to the list? How? 
Remember to proof read your post, to include "My Secret Sauce" in the title and "Week 9" in the label. 
When you have completed this exercise, please share the URL to your post here. And don't forget to make your declaration!
Text for declaration:
I have written a blog post that completes the requirements of "My Secret Sauce."
The post includes three parts:
  • My initial assessment of my top 5 human capital attributes
  • Video recorded interviews with the 5 people who know me the most, asking them what they perceive to be my most important attributes
  • My reflection on the differences that might exists between my perception and my interviewees' perception of my top attributes
I have included the phrase "My Secret Sauce" in the title and labeled the post "Week 9."
I have proofread the post.
I have shared the URL to the post in the associated "Share" exercise.

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