Monday, April 18, 2016

Your Entrepreneurship Story

Many of the exercises you will complete in this class will require you to share a link to a blog post, and this link will be randomly assigned to two of your classmates. These classmates are asked to read your post and provide a comment about what you have written. (You will also be asked to read the posts of two of your classmates.) This exercise is meant to give you practice with this kind of assignment. Also, its a nice way for us to start talking about entrepreneurship and YOU!
For this exercise, please think of a time in your life when you have been exposed to entrepreneurship and tell us about that experience. Perhaps you led some new project in middle school? Perhaps your parents are serial entrepreneurs? Perhaps you once met a cool entrepreneur and can share some insights with us about that meeting? 
Second, I would like you discuss why you enrolled in ENT 3003 and what you hope to get out of the class. Please write however much you would like. Again, please be sure to include at least one image with your post.
Important. Be sure to include "My Entrepreneurship Story" in the title of this post, and also add the "Week 2" label. 
Below, copy and paste the link to your blog post. Be sure you provide the link to your post, NOT to your blog. 
Once you click "Submit," you still need to complete the Declaration associated with this assignment. 

Text for declaration:
I have published a blog post about an experience I have had with entrepreneurship.
I have proofread my post by reading it out loud and by running spellcheck.
I have included the phrase "My Entrepreneurship Story" in the title.
I have included the "Week 2" label.
The post contains at least one image.

1 comment:

  1. Here is Mr Benjamin contact Email details, / Or Whatsapp +1 989-394-3740 that helped me with loan of 90,000.00 Euros to startup my business and I'm very grateful,It was really hard on me here trying to make a way as a single mother things hasn't be easy with me but with the help of Le_Meridian put smile on my face as i watch my business growing stronger and expanding as well.I know you may surprise why me putting things like this here but i really have to express my gratitude so anyone seeking for financial help or going through hardship with there business or want to startup business project can see to this and have hope of getting out of the hardship..Thank You.
