Monday, April 18, 2016

ENT 3003: Weekly Course Schedule (Spring 2016)

Please click on any of the following exercises below. The links will take you to a separate post, which provides the student instructions for each exercise.

Clicking on each link will take you through the course exercises in the order the students see it.

Week 1

No Exercises

Week 2

Choosing Your Schedule & Grade
Your Entrepreneurship Story
Setting Up Your Blog
Introduce Yourself
The Entrepreneur's Mantra
Reading Reflection
Bug List

Week 3

World's Biggest Problems (and Solutions!)
Identifying Local Opportunities
Very Short Interview With An Entrepreneur
Reading Reflection
Commenting (providing feedback on last week's exercises)

Week 4

Rank-Ordering World's Biggest Problems
Interviewing Customers No. 1
Reading Reflection
Commenting (providing feedback on last week's exercises)

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Reading Reflection
Commenting (providing feedback on last week's exercises)

Week 8

Half-Way Reflection
The 80-20 Rule
Reading Reflection
Commenting (providing feedback on last week's exercises)

Week 9

Week 10

Week 11

Week 12

Week 13

Week 14

Week 15

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