Monday, April 18, 2016

Identifying Local Opportunities

So far, you have identified your own "unmet needs" in your Bug List. You have also identified some major "unmet needs" by describing the 10-biggest problems in the world. In this exercise, I'd like you to start focusing on the smaller, day-to-day "unmet needs" that just might form the foundation of a lucrative business opportunity. 
Your mission is to identify 5 potential opportunities and describe these opportunities in a blog post. Here are the requirements for this assignment:
1) Find a local newspaper you like. Any local newspaper is OK. National newspapers (NY Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today) are NOT OK. You can access the content of daily newspapers via the UF Business Library (Links to an external site.). In the center of the window, you will see the tab that says "Online Journals." Click that tab, then simply search for the name of the newspaper.

Lets say you were to enter the term "Miami Herald" and click "Find." Here's what would come up:

You would select the database that has the most recent issues available (that is, any database that indicates that it runs up to the present time). Click the database, and the screen below will emerge. From here, you can start searching the content from each individual day. Although each database will be different, they are all essentially organized in the same way.


2) Find five stories that describe a problem that a person or an organization has. Be sure to save the link to each story you find. 
3) In your post, list the five "opportunities." Each opportunity should include:
  • The title of the article
  • The link to the article.
  • A description of the story, in your own words
  • A description of the problem presented in the story
  • A description of who has the problem
Once you have identified five potential opportunities, be sure to proofread the post before publishing it. Include the phrase "Identifying Local Opportunities" in the post title, and "Week 3" in the label. When you are done, make the Declaration. 

Text for declaration:
I have published a blog post that lists five potential opportunities. 
Each opportunity includes a title of the newspaper article where I found the problem, a link to the article, a description of the story (in my own words), a description of the problem (in my own words), and a description of who has the problem.
I have proofread the post before publishing it.
I have included the phrase "Identifying Local Opportunities" in the post title, and I have included a "Week 3" label. 

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