Monday, April 18, 2016

Interviewing Customers No. 2

Interviewing Customers, Try 2!
In this exercise, you're going to build off of last week's experience interviewing customers. This exercise will follow, exactly, the format of last week's exercise. However, you learned something about your opportunity idea, about who your potential customers are, and about interviewing. So in this post, please emphasize, for each point, what you learned in the prior exercise and what you did differently this time:

1) Fine tune your opportunity. You began with an idea of what an opportunity might be. After your first round of interviews, what do you think, now? 
2) Fine tune the "who." Did you talk to the right customers last time? What did you do differently this time? How did you adjust your conceptualization of who your customers are?
3) Tweaking your interview questions. You might need to ask different kinds of questions to get at a fuller, richer idea of what your opportunity is. What kind of changes did you make?
4) Go talk to customers! This is the same deal as last time: 5 people, you can't know them, you must video record them.
5) Tell us what you learned about the opportunity. You now have 10 interviews under your belt. What do you think about your opportunity now that's different from where you started?  
6) Tell us what you learned about interviewing customers. You're practically an expert on interviewing customers. Please write three tips that you'd like to offer students in this class next semester about interviewing customers.
Finally, don't forget to include the videos of your interviews in your post, include the phrase "Interviewing Customers No. 2" in your post title and label the post "Week 5." As always, be sure to proofread to!
Once you've published this post, be sure to Share the URL to your post and complete the Declaration.
Text for declaration:
 I have published a blog post that includes the following elements:
  • A description of my opportunity idea has changed since the first round of interviews.
  • A description of how my idea of who my potential customers are has changed since the first round.
  • A description of how my interview questions/strategy has changed since the first round.
  • Video recordings of the interviews -- I posted 5 videos, one for each potential customer I interviewed. 
  • A reflection on what I learned about my opportunity idea.
  • Three tips to students in the next semester of ENT 3003 about interviewing customers.
I have proofread the blog post.
I have included the phrase "Customer Interview No. 2" in the title. 
I have included the label "Week 5." 

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