Monday, April 18, 2016

Elevator Pitch No. 2

Elevator Pitch Practice! (Part 2!)

In this exercise, you'll record your elevator pitch and publish it to your blog. Here's what you should include in the post:
1) The pitch. Same as last time, 1-minute long. No Web cams. No sitting. Be dynamic! Upload the video to YouTube (as you do with all of your videos) and post the link.
2) A reflection on the feedback you received from your last pitch. Describe what stood out to you as important, what feedback surprised you the most, what feedback you think was outright wrong or silly. 
3) What did you change, based on the feedback?
Be sure to include the phrase "Elevator Pitch No. 2" in the post title and label it "Week 7." 
Once you have published your post and shared the URL here, make the Declaration!\
Text for declaration:
I have published a post including my second shot at an elevator pitch.
I have included a video recording of my pitch in the post.
I have reflected on the feedback I received after the previous pitch post.
I have described what I changed in this pitch, given the feedback I received last time.
I have included the phrase "Elevator Pitch No. 2" in the post title and I have labeled it "Week 7."
I have proofread my post.

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