Monday, April 18, 2016

Elevator Pitch No. 1

Practicing Your Pitch
Welcome to Week 5! In this short time, you have come a long way in developing an entrepreneurial mindset through the acquisition of several experiences, including identifying unmet needs that you and others have, talking with customers, and forming opportunity ideas. 
This exercise is the "grand unveiling" of your own business idea. And to get the word out, you'll need to record and post an elevator pitch for your business idea. An elevator pitch is essentially your description of an unmet need in the marketplace and your solution for that unmet need. An elevator pitch is also about conveying a clear image of the future and convincing others -- specifically, investors -- to join you in that future. 
For this exercise, here's specifically what you need to do. 
1) Record an elevator pitch. For a 'how-to' and some examples of good elevator pitches, please check out our "How To" videos, which you can find in the "Start Here" module in Canvas. It's important that you DO NOT merely record your pitch while sitting at a computer console and using a Web cam. An elevator pitch is dynamic and it involves emotion, two things that are hard to muster while sitting at your desk. Instead, pretend that you are giving your pitch to a room full of investors. You're standing in front of the room, dressed-up and ready to go! This is what you want to record in your video, so situate your recording device appropriately. 
2) Include a little text. Give us a short written description of your (1) opportunity and (2) your solution. Oh! Don't forget to include the name of your business.
3) As always, its important to include a label (Week 5) and the appropriate text in your post title (Elevator Pitch No. 1). And don't forget to proofread!
Once you have published your post with your elevator pitch, don't forget to Share the post URL and make the Declaration. 

Text for declaration:
I have watched the 'how-to' video on elevator pitches.
I have published a post on my blog that includes a video recording of my elevator pitch. 
I have included a short text description of my opportunity and solution. I have also given my business a name.
I have proofread my post, included "Elevator Pitch No. 1" in the title and labeled it "Week 5." 

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