Monday, April 18, 2016

Your Venture's Unfair Advantage

What Makes You So Special?

Whether it's Wal-Mart's logistical systems, Proctor & Gamble's human resource management practices, or the Apple's research and development efforts, every company that has 'staying power,' has something special. A resource that can't be easily copied or imitated. 
In this experience exercise, you need to describe and evaluate what resources exist in your venture that will give it the same 'staying power.' 
Livia Soprano, offering some awful 'motivational advice.' 
The purpose of this exercise is to figure out what actually makes your venture special! What will be the resources that keep competitors from copying what you do and serving your customers better?
Here's what you need to do.
  • Generate a list of all of the resources in your venture (produce a list of at least 10 resources that you already possess). This can include your human capital, social capital, financial capital, and capabilities. You may also discuss the organizational culture you intend to create (but, obviously, it's not a resource that you have, now.) 
  • Conduct a "VRIN" analysis for each resource. That is, describe, for each resource, how it is valuable, rare, inimitable (how hard it is to copy by others), and non-substitutable (are there other resources that can provide the same benefits?). 
  • Remember, not ALL resources will measure up well. That's OK. You just need one. 
  • After conducting the VRIN analysis, determine what your top resource is. Explain why it's more important to your venture than all of the other resources.

Be sure to title this blog post "My Unfair Advantage" and label it "Week 11." Proof read it, and share the URL here. Then, don't forget to make the declaration. 
Text for declaration:
I have completed all of the requirements for this exercise and published a blog post for it.
I have generated a list of at least 10 resources that are available to me and my venture. 
I have conducted a "VRIN" analysis for each resource, and determined the top resource.
I have included the phrase "My Unfair Advantage" in the post title and labeled it "Week 11."
I have proofread the post.
I have uploaded the URL to my post to the "Share" assignment in Canvas.

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